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Class of 2017

Welcome to your Class Page!

This page belongs to your class and is your portal for connecting with your classmates, saving photos, planning your reunion and more! Before your classmates can begin posting shared photos, information, or planning events, your class needs an Editor to set up your class pages. Click through some other classes to get an idea of how others use their class pages. While this website is fairly intuitive, there are several of us who are happy to assist if you need some guidance.(Please note: individual classmates do not require an Editor to set-up their Profile, where they can post their own messages and photos.)

To volunteer as Editor, contact the Class Coordinator (initially, Rod Ellis @ okemosalumniassociation@gmail.com ) and create: Classmates links; Event links; Memoirs links.



Okemos High School // Last Day - Class of 2017 #SeniorPower

Posted May 26, 2017 by Escapade TV

"Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever. Thank you OHS class of 2017!"