Okemos Alumni Association - Documents and Filings
Thank you Willingham & Cote, P.C. law firm for their legal assistance in the development of these legal documents and the formation of our association. FOR OVER 50 YEARS, Willingham & Coté has served businesses, families and individuals in Michigan and throughout the United States. Along the way, the firm has nurtured small businesses, counseled thriving corporations, settled personal disputes and helped families with difficult life decisions. Please contact the firm for your legal needs.
Click Links to view these reports:
Articles of Inc Application 4-19-2017
Articles of Inc 4-19-17 Exhibit A
IRS Employer ID Number form SS-4
IRS Tax Exempt Status 501(c)(3) eff 6-1-2017
MI Certificate of Registration_COSA_STCPA_Okemos HS Alumni Assoc
MI Dept of Liscensing and Regulatory Incorp papers 6-1-2017