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"Okemos Alumni Hall of Fame" In the fields of.....Science . Technology . Engineering , Medicine . Math . Agriculture

Scientists : Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Space, Earth

Doctors of Medicine : Teaching and Practicing

Technology: Engineering, Architect, Computers, Software

Mathematics : Teachers, Professors,

Agriculture : Farming, Teaching, Professors

Class of 1928

Ralph Guile

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and twice a Fulbright Scholar

Dr. Guile received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from MSU.  He retired as a professor from the MSU Chemistry Dept. and was associated with the University for over 50 years.  He was a member of the American Chemical Society, the Academy for the Advancement of Science and the Okemos Lodge No. 252 F & AM.  Dr. Guile was a Fulbright Scholar at the University Ghent in Belgium (1950) and at Trinity University, Dublin, Ireland (1960).  He was also a SEATO Fellow in Bangkok, Thailand (1968).



Class of 1941      Lawrence Nathan Shepherd

1938 Represented the Okemos Future Farmers of America chapter at the International Hay and Grain show at Chicago with his corn and bean samples.

1940 Okemos F.F.A Chapter President

1944 Staff Sgt. Laurence N. Shepherd, 21, was slightly wounded December 13 in action in France, where he was serving with the infantry.

1956 Michigan State University degree and Instructor (research) Soil Science

~1965 Ohio State University where he became a professor in the Department of Horticulture and Crops

2003 Farm Science Review Hall of Fame

2010 at age 87 died, Professor Emeritus The Ohio State University Dept. Of Horticulture and Crops

  Class of 1952

Dr. Larry Bockstahler

Fulbright Fellowship in Physics 1956

Discovers New Virus 1961

Biochemist division chief US Human Health and Services Dept. 1961

AIDS Research 1995

U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2008



Class of 1953

Max Benne


Class of 1954  


Lester Kyle Aldrich, II          "Les or LK"

North Carolina State University (NCSU) with a Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering

Army for seventeen years and a member of the Army Rifle Team and Marksmanship Training Unit

While at NSCU he coached the seven time National collegiate Champion NCSU Rifle Team

A professional nuclear engineer in North Carolina, Idaho, and in Washington as a Certified Heath Physicist

He chaired the Part 1 Panel of Examiners of the American Board of Health Physics, the Continuing Education Committee of the American Academy of Health Physics, and the Health Physics Society Standards Committee Working Group on Radiation Protection Terminology.

As a 'Fellow' of the Health Physics Society, he was also the International Standards Organization's United States Representative for radiation terminology. 

A member of Mensa, the high IQ society.  (Membership of Mensa is open to persons who have tested and attained a score within the upper two percent of the general population)

              Class of 1954

         Dennis Avery









           Class of 1955




Class of 1958

Donald Keck Biography  



"I did not distinguish myself in high school. I graduated in the middle of the class. I enjoyed things, extracurricular activities."






In 2000, awarded the National Medal of Technology from U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate from Michigan State University.  Joined Corning Glass Works Research and Development Division in early 1968.  Just twelve years out of Okemos High School, in August 1970, Dr. Keck and two co-workers invented fiber optics.

<click picture to read the Donald Keck biography>

<click for a quick overview of Dr. Keck, by Bob Bratzler '64>


Class of 1959

Carol Jean Price Walter Biography

Okemos High School Class of 1959 Valedictorian

Albion College Biology Degree with highest honors, Phi Beta Kappa

Sigma Xi National Science Honor Society

Ph.D. in Physiology at University of Vermont College of Medicine

UVM Department of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics 1972-2001

       Research: tumor marker alpha-fetoprotein and liver disease and

       developed the VT Screening Program now known as the 'Quad Screen'

       for the detection of serious birth defects in early pregnancy like Down syndrome and Spina Bifida

Retired in 2001 as the Director of the Vermont-wide Screening Program for Metabolic Disorders in Newborns.


Class of 1959          Walter Schreiner                 Distinguished Alumni 2019

The Autobiography of a Physics Nerd and Renaissance Man!

Ph.D. in High Energy Physics, Virginia Polytech & State University (1973) : Director / Owner of CP Solutions, LLC, solving chronic manufacturing problems world-wide : 29 year career with Philips Research; developed x-ray analytical equipment, management consultant, Master Statistical Engineer : Volunteer Builder for Safe Housing, Fuller Global Builders : Peace Corps Volunteer, Antofagasta, Chile (1965-68) : Member, Pi Mu Epsilon, National Honorary Math Society    

Class of 1963   
Dr. Walter Willett --Biography 

World Renowned Nutritionist, researcher, lecturer, professor at Harvard Medical School and chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health

Author of Eat, Drink and Be Healthy


YouTube Search Results on "Walter Willett":  Over 2080 Hits!

Willett and Kardashian diet "7 Weight Loss Tips from Kim Kardashian for Harvard’s Top Nutritionist", Caloriegate


YouTube, StockholmFood Forum, 2014 


"Grading the Gurus:  Walter Willett", Small Bites, 2010


Vatican Conference April 26, 2018


Fourth International Vatican Conference:  UNITE TO CURE
How Science, Technology, and  21st Century Medicine Will Impact Culture and Society


YouTube:  Dairy and Fractures, FOTGCREN, 2017


"Walter Willett honored for being creative, collaborative, kind", Harvard School of Public Health, 2016




Class of 1963          Dr. Kerry J. Byrnes --Autobiography    

Distinguished Alumni 2018 The Ceremony and School presentation          Nomination and Program

“Working behind the scenes and often in obscurity, Kerry is an Okemos gift to the world.  From Eagle Scout to VISTA Volunteer to relief of poverty on a global scale..."

Agricultural and Rural Development Specialist and Advisor to the U.S. Agency for International Development and development assistance organizations such as the International Fertilizer Development Center, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the World Bank, non-governmental organizations, and various consulting firms.

Author of numerous books and articles...content for the OAA web site

-- Close Encounters with Celebrities and "Giants"

-- On Assignment with Kerry: Memorable Moments from 40+ years of Travel to the Developing World

-- The Chieftain Fourteen: "From Okemos High's O-ZONE to Michigan State's IZZONE: The Red Cedar Journeys of The Chieftain Fourteen"

-- Author of articles on film music scoring; Collector of film music soundtracks on  CD; and Donor of 2000+ film music soundtrack CDs to the Michigan State University Library


Class of 1964


Fred Stehman --Biography

Triple Honors:


High School State Wrestling Champion and Top Ten Academics

All-Big Ten Wrestling Champion

National Reputation for Medical Practice and Research in Oncology

YouTube: Recommendations for Cervical Cancer Screening, 2010

Recommendations for Cervical Cancer Screening







Class of 1966


David Hart --Biography


World renown organic chemistry professor and research scientist








Class of 1967

Tom Yunck

NASA's JPL Space/Earth Scientist

BEEE from Princeton

PhD from Yale

CEO of his own Satellite Company

Reveloutionary change in Earth/Weather measurement


High School Mile Record holder



Class of 1998

               2016 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient from Okemos Education Foundation

Mike Litos graduated from Okemos High School in 1998. He played trumpet in band throughout middle and high school, which served as a cornerstone for his personal development. He also played football despite his small size, being given an award by his peers for having “the stature of Pee-Wee Herman and the tackling ability of Ronnie Lott”. Mike enjoyed the company of a wide variety of social cliques, though always tried to maintain a strong sense of individuality, as reflected in his “punk rock rodeo clown” attire. He earned his B.S. in physics at Michigan Statue University in 2003, with an additional major in Japanese. Mike next went to graduate school to further his education in physics at Boston University. Both aspects of his undergraduate degree were put to use in grad school, when he joined the Nobel Prize winning Super Kamiokande collaboration, a neutrino physics experiment based in Japan. He earned his Ph.D. in physics in 2010, and immediately moved to California to begin his postdoctoral work at Stanford’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, where he conducted research in plasma wakefield acceleration—a technique to make smaller, more efficient and affordable particle accelerators for use in applications ranging from medical radiation therapy to high energy physics particle colliders. In 2011, Mike married his wife, Leah Angstman from Mason, MI, whom he has known since their teenage years when their punk and ska bands used to play basement shows together. The first major research paper he wrote as a postdoc was featured on the cover of Nature Magazine in 2014, following which Mike was hired as an associate staff scientist by SLAC. In 2016 Mike took a tenure-track position at the University of Colorado Boulder as an assistant professor in the physics department, where he currently teaches physics at all levels and continues his research in the field of plasma wakefield acceleration.

Class of 1972

David Woodford    


Renowned Expert Forensic Scientist and Serologist solves murder mysteries.