The following is an index to all the submitted memoirs - send your memoirs and experiences to Wally Reece (65) for help editing and posting.
Wally Reese on "What to write"
Posted Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Rod asked me to help develop an editorial strategy for the website. How could I refuse? I came to the party a little late through the website. I got excited about this project when I realized the incredible depth and breadth of experience in the Class of '65. It is extraordinary.
My vision is to create a space for our memoirs, tentatively named "The Archives of Our Lives--Chapters 1-20...." Our reflections and experience of the most tumultuous social, political, economic and technological upheaval in history can become an important historical record and a place where children and grandchildren can visit to understand who we were and where they came from. Might even add some elucidation on for us too and foster some resolution of the conflicts that divide us.
Class Year Author Title Topic Submission Date
1962 John Bjorkquist:Teacher John Bjorkquist: Memories 1 Memories September 22, 2016
1962 Dale Brubaker:Teacher The Making of an American Educator Autobiography August 1, 2016
1963 Kerry Byrnes Autobiography Autobiography June 1, 2016
1963 Kerry Byrnes Memories of Dale Brubaker Memorable People/Mentor June 5, 2016
1963 Kerry Byrnes Hooked on Gigabytes Memories December 6, 2016
1963 Kerry Byrnes Giants in Their Realms Book: Memorable People August 1, 2016
1965 Diane Dean Evening in Paris Growing up, pre-teen May 12, 2016
1965 Diane Dean So Many Dreams Vietnam/Military May 15, 2016
1965 Diane Dean Kool-Aid Kids Memory from her Childhood March 28, 2016
1965 Dave Gustafson Kill, Bubba, Kill Memorable People I Met June 20, 2016
1965 Joel Peterson Kindness Endures Reunion Reflection March 15, 2016
1965 Joel Peterson My First Job Career Story May 18, 2016
1965 Wally Reese Jerry Garcia Memorable People I Met July 4, 2016
1965 Steve Senzig Vietnam Vignettes Vietnam/Military May 27, 2016
1965 John Turner America's First:Korla Pandit Memorable People I Met May 16, 2016
1965 John Turner Howard Finster on the Road - Presley Mansion Memorable People I Met May 23, 2016
1965 John Turner Ginsberg Meets Finster Memorable People I Met May 23, 2016
1965 John Turner In Search of Dracula Memorable People I Met June 26, 2016
1965 John Turner Interview with Howard Brodie Memorable People I Met July 3, 2016
1965 Mark White Tina Turner Spits on Me Career Story March 9, 2016
Submissions we are soliciting and working on...
What happened at Okemos
Peace Corps
Life changing moment
Growing up in Okemos