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Alvin Peterson

Alvin Peterson
Class Year
Residing In
Tustin, MI USA
Did you serve in the Military
Comments about life and living

Unfortunately, with all my moving around I never was able to stay in touch with any of our
classmates. And I was crushed to read of the passing of so many. Some were my best friends.

BS Michigan State University (Criminal Justice)
MS Florida Tech (Management)

Married Karen in 1966 - still married
Two sons, one in Colorado and one in Virginia
Three grandsons

Military Service
U.S. Army 1967 - 1993
Nuclear Weapons Officer/Logistics Officer
Moved 13 times in 26 years
Three one-year unaccompanied tours (no family allowed) in Vietnam, Turkey, Liberia

Some places I/we have been
Saigon, Istanbul, Rome, Venice, Vienna, London, Amsterdam, Munich, Pisa, Paris, Swiss
Alps, Edinburgh, Wales, Athens, West Berlin, Monrovia, and Smell-No-Taste (yes, this is a real

Life After the Army
Moved to Tustin, MI in 1993 to be near parents and siblings I had been removed from for so long
Worked in Cadillac business until permanently retiring in 2012

Traveling. Looking forward to places I/we haven't been.

ADMIN NOTE: from the Lansing State Journal April 14, 1993

Former local resident is retired -

Retirement ceremonies were held recently in Fort Lee, Va., for Lt. Col. Alvin Peterson.

A Vietnam veteran, the Okemos High School and Michigan State University graduate served with the U.S. Army more than 25 years. His career included overseas tours in Turkey, Liberia and Germany, as well as numerous stateside assignments.

Upon his retirement, Alvin was awarded the Legion of Merit.

Alvin is married to the former Karen Harris, daughter of the Leon Harrises of St. Johns. They have two children: Christopher, a senior at the University of Virginia, and David, who is in graduate school at Georgia Tech.

Alvin and Karen will return to Michigan this summer and plan to live in the Tustin area.