Hurricane Harvey
Posted Thursday, September 14, 2017 12:56 PM
We made it through the 3 plus days of rain without flooding. Before the rain started, I had our pool man drain about two feet out of our pool. By Sunday it was overflowing. Fortunately, there was time between rain bands for the streets to drain, ehich kept thr water out of our house! I have NEVER experienced rain like we had! EVER!! Late Tuesday, the sun came out and we figured that we were out of the woods! Alas, the two reservoirs that collect water and during normal storms were overflowing. The Corp of Engineers had to let water out which caused lots more flooding. While many had to evacuate, we inly had about a foot of water in our street.

Parts of Houston are still a mess and will be for quite some time!! We were so blessed, as were the homes of our two sons!

Hugs to all!