Comments about life and living
Since OHS Attended MSU and the University of Minnesota; got married and had a son; graduated. I worked for Chevron in several areas of Exploration and Production. Got divorced. Remarried and acquired two more (step) sons. Left Chevron and started consulting, with major projects for Lawrence Livermore Nat Lab, US DOE, Mohamed Al Fayed, CA geothermal developers, SE. New Mexico oil and gas producers, CA independent oil producers, and a boutique technology development firm. Now an Adjunct Professor in the USC Petroleum Engineering Program. I have yet to retire (a rather frightening prospect). My wife, Susan, has retired from government service and is busy with her rose garden, AAUW, and several garden dubs. All three boys are Eagle Scouts.
The oldest, Jon, is a Devel. Dir. fi the U of Illinois Dept of Computer Science and Elec. Eng.
The middle one works for Lexis Nexis in the Bay Area and has started building websites.
The youngest, Stephen, is a teaching/research professor of Cognltative Sci at Duke Univ in Raleigh/Durham.
All in all, it's been a rather ordinary life.